Thursday, February 5, 2009

How to Root Roses from Stem Cuttings

rose cuttingrooting hormone

Have you every walked into a store or nursery or florist and saw a rose that you just fell in love with and wouldn't mind having one growing like it in your yard?

Starting a rose from a stem is very simple to do.
1)Take a rose stem that has a few leaves on it
2)Clip the bloom off near the leaves
3) stem should be about 5 to 6 inches long
4) stick bottom of stem in rooting hormone
5)Plant in a partially shaded area with good soil drainage and cover with a quart jar.
6)within 2 to 3 months you should see new growth coming from the flower stem.
7) when you see new growth remove jar and transplant to your rose garden or any sunny area you'd like your rose bush.

That's really all there is to starting one, it's extremely simple to do. It is best to start them in spring when you see roses starting to put off buds and to be sure and get hardened growth and not new growth.

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