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Pruning Roses
If you haven't done so already, now is the time to prune your roses if you live in zones 7-10. Check your roses, you should have new growth starting to come out. If not, wait a week or two and check again. When you see the new growth, go to the lowest outward facing node (new growth) and trim 1 inch to 1-1/2 inches above it. Trim at a slant so water will run off the stalk. You don't want it pooling on it as that can cause fungus and diseases.
This is mainly for bush roses, If you've got climbing roses make the cut with the node (new growth) going toward your trellis or arbor. Most climbing roses don't need pruning unless they've become wild and are growing in all directions.Pruning your roses will make a bushier plant during the summer, cutting to where the stems grow outward allow for more sunlight to get to the plant for heavier blooming.
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